Hybrid EPI Sequence for Adenosine Stress Perfusion Cardiac MRI on 1.5T Siemens Aera.
Thrombus, MaR (myocardium at risk) and IV contrast enhanced SSFP cines (CE-SSFP) in cardiac MRI.
Amyloid Cardiac MRI
Basic Infiltration Protocol for Amyloid
1. Cine SSFP Long axis & Short axis views
2. Stir/T2 FS Long axis & Short axis views
3. Native MyoMaps (MOLLI) in the Long axis & 3/5 short axis
4. T2 Maps in 3/5 short axis
5. EGE in the Long axis & short axis views
6. PSIR LGE in the long & short axis (you can have the magnitude images included but these will not be of much value as the PSIR)
7. Enhanced MyoMaps in the long axis & short axis views
Look out for the enhancement patterns- depending on the type of amyloid & disease progression. The first clue (for new amyloid diagnosis) should be the lack of 'nulling' on your TI scout/ looklocker- repeat it in a different plane at first, then move straight to PSIR.
The key to imaging such cardiac anatomy, morphology & function is high-res thin slice SSFP imaging. Key considerations are:
1. Thin slices of about 4 to 6cm
2. Maintaining high SNR through altered voxel size and nex
3. Keeping breath holds short- partial fourier, SFOV, increased segmentation
4. Use of appropriate gating or triggering- if prospective, use view sharing to increase phases & less segments
5. Use of SSh non cine imaging in the 3 orthogonal planes at the start of the scan to identify the anatomy prior to cine imaging- quickens the scan
6. Ensuring that phase flows are positioned appropriately & perpendicular to any jets with the correct venc. May need venc scouts if unsure
7. If needs be, use Hamming filters.